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tame wild animals

  • 1 tame

    1. adjective
    1) (of animals) used to living with people; not wild or dangerous:

    He kept a tame bear as a pet.

    2) dull; not exciting:

    My job is very tame.

    عَديم الحَيَوِيَّه
    2. verb
    to make tame:

    It is impossible to tame some animals.

    يُدَجِّن، يُطَوِّع

    Arabic-English dictionary > tame

  • 2 tame

    أَلِيف \ domestic: (of animals) not wild; kept by man for his use. tame: not wild, not afraid of people: a tame bird. \ داجِن \ domestic: (of animals) not wild; kept by man for his use. tame: not wild; not afraid of people: a tame bird.

    Arabic-English glossary > tame

  • 3 domare

    fig control
    * * *
    domare v.tr.
    1 to tame; ( cavalli) to break* (in): domare animali feroci, to tame wild animals
    2 ( sottomettere, vincere) to subdue, to subjugate, to curb: domare una popolazione, to subjugate a people; domare una rivolta, to put down a rebellion; domare uno scatto d'ira, to control (o to subdue) one's anger; domare le proprie passioni, to subdue (o to curb) one's passions; sua moglie ha saputo domarlo, his wife knew how to tame him
    3 ( spegnere) to quench, to put* out: domare un incendio, to put out a fire.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) (rendere docile) to tame [ belva]; to break* (in) [ cavallo]
    2) fig. (sedare) to crush, to put* down, to squash [rivolta, insorti]; to put* out, to bring* under control [ incendio]; to smother, to contain [ fiamme]; (frenare) to control, to overcome*, to master [ passioni]; to curb [ inflazione]
    * * *
    /do'mare/ [1]
     1 (rendere docile) to tame [ belva]; to break* (in) [ cavallo]
     2 fig. (sedare) to crush, to put* down, to squash [rivolta, insorti]; to put* out, to bring* under control [ incendio]; to smother, to contain [ fiamme]; (frenare) to control, to overcome*, to master [ passioni]; to curb [ inflazione].

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > domare

  • 4 дик

    1. dick

    его имя Ричард, но все называют его Дикомhis name is Richard but everybody calls him Dick

    2. wildly

    дикий лук, черемшаwild leek

    дикая свинья, самка кабанаwild sow

    кабан, вепрь, дикая свиньяwild boar

    3. wild; savage; odd; bizarre; shy; unsociable; drab; proud; dog

    дикая, беспорядочная дракаsavage up-and-down fighting

    дикая яблоня, лесная яблоня, кислицаwild apple

    4. barbarous
    5. mad
    6. savage
    7. unearthly
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. неистов (прил.) буен; исступлен; неистов; яр; яростен
    2. нелеп (прил.) нелеп; несообразен; несуразен
    3. необуздан (прил.) необуздан; неудержим; неукротим
    4. необщителен (прил.) замкнут; малообщителен; некоммуникабелен; неконтактен; нелюдим; необщителен
    5. сер (прил.) мышаст; свинцов; сер

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > дик

  • 5 приручать

    1. domesticate
    2. domesticated
    3. tame

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > приручать

  • 6 приручать диких животных

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > приручать диких животных

  • 7 πραΰνω

    πρᾱΰνω, [dialect] Ion. [full] πρηΰνω [ῡ], [tense] fut. ῠνῶ: [tense] aor. ἐπράῡνα:—[voice] Med., [dialect] Ep. [tense] aor.

    πρηϋνατο Nonn.D.29.276

    :—[voice] Pass., [tense] fut.

    πραϋνθήσομαι Ph.1.135

    , Gal. 13.478: [tense] aor.

    ἐπραΰνθην Pl.R. 440d

    : [tense] pf. πεπράϋσμαι (v. infr.): ([etym.] πραΰς):— make soft, mild, or gentle, soothe, calm,

    πνοιὰς.. πρηΰνει Hes.Th. 254


    π. τινά h.Merc. 417

    ; π. ἕλκος soothe a raging sore, S.Ph. 650;

    π. τινὰ λόγοις A.Pers. 837


    π. τινὰς πρὸς ἀλλήλους Isoc.4.47


    π. ὑπερήφανα ἔργα Sol.4.38


    ὀργήν E.Fr. 822

    ; τὸν θυμόν, τὸ θυμοειδές, Pl.Lg. 731d, R. 572a, cf. X.Eq.9.5:—[voice] Pass., become milder, abate,

    πρηϋνομένου τοῦ χειμῶνος Hdt.2.25

    ; of persons, grow milder, be appeased, ib. 121. δ', Pl.R. 440d, Arist.Rh. 1380a5.
    2 tame wild animals, οὐρῆας, κύνα, Hes.Op. 797, X.Mem.2.3.9; [

    ἐλέφαντα] π. καὶ ἡμερῶσαι Ael.NA10.10

    :—[voice] Pass., πεπραϋσμένος πέρδιξ ib.4.16; opp. ἐγείρεσθαι, of horses, X.Eq.9.10;

    θῆρες ἀνὰ δρυμὰ πρηΰνονται Euph.177

    ( = Call.Fr.anon.74).

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > πραΰνω

  • 8 zähmen

    1. tame; (Pferd) break in
    2. fig. (Gefühle etc.) control, curb; (die Natur, die Elemente etc.) tame, subdue; (bewältigen) subjugate, conquer
    * * *
    to domesticate; to tame
    * * *
    zäh|men ['tsɛːmən]
    to tame; (fig) Leidenschaft, Bedürfnisse to control
    * * *
    1) ((of animals) used to living with people; not wild or dangerous: He kept a tame bear as a pet.) tame
    2) (to make tame: It is impossible to tame some animals.) tame
    * * *
    ein Tier \zähmen to tame an animal
    gezähmt tamed
    2. (geh: zügeln)
    etw/sich akk \zähmen to control sth/oneself
    * * *
    1) (auch fig.) tame; subdue < forces of nature>
    2) (geh.) restrain <curiosity, impatience, etc.>
    * * *
    zähmen v/t
    1. tame; (Pferd) break in
    2. fig (Gefühle etc) control, curb; (die Natur, die Elemente etc) tame, subdue; (bewältigen) subjugate, conquer
    * * *
    1) (auch fig.) tame; subdue < forces of nature>
    2) (geh.) restrain <curiosity, impatience, etc.>
    * * *
    to domesticate v.
    to tame v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > zähmen

  • 9 дресирам

    1. (животни) train, tame
    (кон) break in
    2. (човек) train
    * * *
    1. ( животни) train, tame; ( кон) break in;
    2. (за човек) train.
    * * *
    discipline: to дресирам wild animals - дресирам диви животни; train
    * * *
    1. (животни) train, tame 2. (кон) break in 3. (човек) train

    Български-английски речник > дресирам

  • 10 domestic

    أَلِيف \ domestic: (of animals) not wild; kept by man for his use. tame: not wild, not afraid of people: a tame bird. \ داجِن \ domestic: (of animals) not wild; kept by man for his use. tame: not wild; not afraid of people: a tame bird.

    Arabic-English glossary > domestic

  • 11 गृहम् _gṛham

    गृहम् [गृह्यते धर्माचरणाय, ग्रह् गेहार्थे क Tv.]
    1 A house, dwelling, habitation, mansion; न गृहं गृहमित्याहुर्गृहिणी गृह- मुच्यते Pt.4.81,5.15; पश्य वानरमूर्खेण सुगृही निर्गृहीकृतः Pt. 1.39.
    -2 A wife; (the first quotation in
    1 is some- times erroneously cited as an illustration).
    -3 The life of a householder; न हि सति कुलधुर्ये सूर्यवंश्या गृहाय R.7. 71,5.1; Mv.4.28.
    -4 A sign of the zodiac.
    -5 A name or appellation.
    -6 A square (in chess or any other game).
    -हाः (m. pl.)
    1 A house, dwelling; इमे नो गृहाः Mu.1; स्फटिकोपलविग्रहा गृहाः शशभृद्भित्तनिरङ्कभित्तयः N.2.74; तत्रागारं धनपतिगृहानुत्तरेणास्मदीयम् Me.77.
    -2 A wife; अथावलोकको$गच्छद्गृहानेकः परावसुः Mb.3.138.4.
    -3 The inhabitants of a house, family; the life of a house- holder; गृहानुत्सृज्य यो राजन् मोक्षमेवाभिपद्यते Mb.12.16.29.
    -हः Ved. An assistant, or servant; गृहो याम्यरंकृतो देवेभ्यो हव्यवाहनः Rv.1.119.13. In comp. oft. rendered by 'domestic', 'household' or 'tame'; e. g. ˚कपोतः 'a tame pigeon'; ˚कार्याणि-कर्माणि 'household duties'; ˚ शकु- न्तिका 'tame bird'; छद्मना परिददामि मृत्यवे सौनिको गृहशकुन्तिका- मिव U.1.45 &c.
    -Comp. -अक्षः a loophole, eyelet-hole, a round or ablong window.
    -अधिपः, -ईशः, -ईश्वरः 1 a house-holder.
    -2 a regent of a sign of the zodiac. संशयस्थः see अनुपात.
    -अयनिकः a house-holder.
    -अर्थः domestic affairs, any household matter; गृहार्थो$ग्निपरि- ष्क्रिया Ms.2.67.
    -अभिपालिन् m. a watchman.
    -अम्लम् a kind of sour-gruel.
    -अवग्रहणी the threshold.
    -अश्मन् m. a flat ablong stone upon which condiments are ground (Mar. पाटा).
    - आगत a. one who has come to a house. (
    -तः) a guest.
    -आचारः household or domestic business; U.2.
    -आरम्भः building a house; गृहारम्भातिदुःखाय Bhāg.11.9.15.
    -आरामः, -वाटी, -वाटिका a garden attached to a house.
    -आशया, -आश्रया the betel-tree.
    -आश्रमः the order of a house- holder, the second stage in the religious life of a Bāhmaṇa; see आश्रम; Ms.6.1.
    -आश्रमिन् m. a house- holder; Bhāg.1.8.7.
    -ईश्वरी a housewife; दिष्ट्या गृहेश्वर्यसकृन्मयि त्वया कृतानुवृत्तिर्भवमोचनी खलैः Bhāg.1.6.54.
    -उत्पातः any domestic nuisance.
    -उपकरणम् a domestic utensil, anything required for household use; एकदा निर्गता क्रेतुं गृहोपकरणानि सा Ks.2.15.
    -कच्छपः = गृहाश्मन् q. v.
    -कन्या, -कुमारी the plant Aloe Perfoliata (Mar. कोरफड).
    -कपोतः, -तकः a tame or domestic pigeon; Śi.4.52.
    -करणम् 1 household affairs.
    -2 house-building.
    -कर्तृ m.
    1 'a house-builder,' a kind of sparrow.
    -2 a carpenter; गृहकर्ता भवानेव देवानां हृदयेप्सितम् Rām.7.5.19.
    -कर्मन् n.
    1 household affairs.
    -2 a domestic rite. ˚करः, ˚कारः, ˚दासः a menial, domestic servant; शंभुस्वयंभुहरयो हरिणेक्षणानां येनाक्रियन्त सततं गृहकर्मदासाः Bh.1.1.
    -कलहः domestic feuds, intestine broils.
    -कारकः a house- builder, mason; करोति तृणमृत्काष्ठैर्गृहं वा गृहकारकः Y.3.146.
    -कारिन् m.
    1 a housebuilder.
    -2 a kind of wasp.
    -कुक्कुटः a domestic cock.
    -कार्यम्, -कृत्यम् household affairs; सदा प्रहृष्टया भाव्यं गृहकार्येषु दक्षया Ms.5.15.
    -गोधा, -गोधिका the small house-lizard.
    -चुल्ली a house with two rooms contiguous to each other, but one facing west, the other east; Bṛi. S.53.4.
    -चेतस् a. thinking only of one's house; Bhāg.9.11.17.
    -छिद्रम् 1 a family-secret or scandal.
    -2 family dissensions; आयुर्वित्तं गृहच्छिद्रं मन्त्रमैथुनभेषजम् H.1.123.
    -ज, -जात a. born in the house (a slave &c.); Bṛi.5.61.7; Ms. 8.415.
    -जनः family, members of a family, especially the wife; Mu.1.
    -जालिका deceit, disguise.
    -ज्ञानिन् (also गृहेज्ञानिन्) 'wise only in the inside of the house', inexperienced, stupid, foolish.
    -तटी a terrace in front of the house.
    -दारु n. a house-post; नरपतिबले पार्श्वायाते स्थितं गृहदारुवत् Mk.4.3.
    -दाहः setting a house on fire, incendiarism.
    -दासः a domestic slave.
    -दासी a female domestic slave; एकदा गृहदासीषु यशोदा नन्दगेहिनी । कर्मान्तर- नियुक्तासु निर्ममन्थ स्वयं दधि ॥ Bhāg.1.9.1.
    -दीप्तिः f. the splendour or ornament of a house, a virtuous woman; प्रजनार्थं महाभागाः पूजार्हा गृहदीप्तयः Ms.9.26.
    -देवता the goddess of a house; (pl.) a class of household deities; Ks.4.74.
    -देहली the threshold of a house; यासां बलिः सपदि मद्गृहदेहलीनाम् Mk.1.9.
    -नमनम् wind.
    -नाशनः a wild pigeon.
    -नीडः a sparrow,
    -पतिः 1 a householder; बामं गृहपतिं नय Rv.6.53.2; a man who has entered on the second stage of life, one who, after having completed his studies, is married and settled.
    -2 a sacrificer.
    -3 the virtue of a householder; i. e. hospitality.
    -4 Ved. an epithet of Agni.
    -5 the maintenance of the sacred and perpetual fire.
    -6 the head or judge of a village; Mk.2; Dk.8.
    -पत्नी Ved. 'the mistress of a house', the wife of the householder; गृहान् गच्छ गृहपत्नी यथासः Rv.1.85.26.
    -पालः 1 the guardian of a house.
    -2 a housedog; आस्ते$वमत्योपन्यस्तं गृहपाल इवाहरन् Bhāg.3.3.15.
    -पिण्डी f. the basement of a building; Kāmikāgama 55.2-21.
    -पोतकः the site of a house, the ground on which it stands and which surrounds it.
    -पोषणम् maintenance of a house- hold; तेन चास्य नियुक्ताभूत्स्वभार्या गृहपोषणे Ks.2.55.
    -प्रवेशः a solemn entrance into a house according to prescribed rites.
    -बभ्रुः a domestic ichneumon.
    -बलिः a domestic oblation, offering of the remnants of a meal to all creatures, such as animals, supernatural beings, and particularly household deities; Ms.3.265. ˚प्रियः a crane. ˚भुज् m.
    1 a crow.
    -2 a sparrow; नीडारम्भैर्गृहबलि- भुजामाकुलग्रामचैत्याः Me.23. ˚देवता a deity to whom a domestic oblation is offered.
    -भङ्गः 1 one who is driven from his house, an exile.
    -2 destroying a house.
    -3 breaking into a house.
    -4 failure, ruin or destruction of a house, firm &c.
    -भञ्जनम् 1 breaking down or destroying a house.
    -2 causing the decay or ruin of a family.
    -भद्रकम् an audience-hall.
    -भर्तृ m. the master of a house; Bṛi. S. 53.58.
    -भूमिः f. the site of a house.
    -भेदिन् a.
    1 prying into domestic affairs.
    -2 causing domestic quarrels.
    -भोजिन् m. an inmate of the same house, tenant; तस्मा- दप्यग्रहारान्ये जगृहुर्गृहभोजिनः Rāj. T.5.43.
    -मणिः a lamp.
    -माचिका a bat.
    -मार्जनी a female servant of the house; सख्योपेत्याग्रहीत्पाणिं यो$हं तद्गृहमार्जनी Bhāg.1.83.11.
    -मृगः a dog.
    -मेघः a multitude of houses; Rām.5.
    -मेध a.
    1 one who performs the domestic rites or sacrifices; गृह- मेधास आ गत मरुतो माप भूतन Rv.7.59.1.
    -2 connected with the duties of a householder.
    (-धः) 1 a householder.
    -2 a domestic sacrifice; Bhāg.2.6.19.
    -मेधिन् m. a householder, a married Brāhmaṇa who has a house- hold; (गृहैर्दारैर्मेधन्ते संगच्छन्ते Malli.); प्रजायै गृहमेधिनाम् R.1. 7; see गृहपति above.
    (-नी) 1 the wife of a householder, a house-wife; न व्यचष्ट वरारोहां गृहिणीं गृहमेधिनीम् Bhāg.4. 26.13.
    -2 the intellect based on the Sattva quality.
    -यज्ञः see गृहमेधः; Mb.1.18.5.
    -यन्त्रम् a stick or other instrument to which, on solemn occasions, flags are fastened; गृहयन्त्रपताकाश्रीरपौरादरनिर्मिता Ku.6.41.
    -रन्ध्रम् family-dissensions.
    -वाटिका, -वाटी a garden attached to a house.
    -वित्तः the owner of a house.
    -व्रत a. devoted to home. मतिर्न कृष्णे परतः स्वतो वा मिथो$भिपद्येत गृहव्रतानाम् Bhāg.7.5.3.
    -शायिन् m. a pigeon.
    -शुकः 1 a domestic parrot, one kept for pleasure; Amaru.16.
    -2 a domestic poet; आयातेन शुकैः सार्धं दत्ता गृहशुकेन यः । मुक्ताः प्राप्य प्रतिष्ठायां चक्रे ख्यातां शुकावलीम् ॥ Rāj. T.5.31.
    -संवेशकः a house-builder by profession; Ms.3.163.
    -सार property; गृहीतसारमेनं सपुत्रकलत्रं संयम्य Mu.1.
    -स्थः a householder, one who has entered on the stage of a house-holder; संकटा ह्याहिताग्नीनां प्रत्यवायैर्गृहस्थता U.1.9; see गृहपति above and Ms.3.68;6.9. ˚आश्रमः the life of a householder; see गृहाश्रम. ˚धर्मः the duty of a house- holder.
    -स्थूणा the pillar of a house.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > गृहम् _gṛham

  • 12 mustang

    (Of uncertain origin. Probably a combination of mesteño [mestéjio], mestengo [mestérjgo], mestenco [mestérjko], and mostrenco [mostrérjko]. See accompanying explanation)
       1) Clark: 1800s. An untamed horse, or one that used to be tame, but has returned to the wild. The term originally referred to the horses brought to this continent by Spanish settlers, many of which escaped or were stolen by Indians and ended up running in wild herds in the West and Southwest. The origin of this term is disputed. One theory holds that mustang derives from mesteño, a Spanish term whose principal meaning is an animal (or thing) belonging to the Mesta, an association of owners of livestock (founded in 1273 by the Spanish government, according to Watts) that bred, fed, and sold their animals for their common good. A mesteño was an animal that had become separated from its owner and was considered to be the property of the entire Mesta. Although this term shows a semantic similarity to the English word, it is difficult to justify the nasal and velar consonants in the derived form. Three more likely sources are mestenco, mestengo, and mostrenco, all of which mean 'having no known owner' (according to the DRAE, mestengo refers especially to animals). The first two terms probably derived from mesteño, and the third is itself an adaptation of mestenco (with influence from the verb mostrar 'to show,' since stray animals had to be presented to the Mesta). It is likely that the English mustang derived from one of these three terms or from a combination of the three.
        Alternate forms: mestang, mestaña, mestengo, mesteño.
       2) Carlisle: 1929. As a verb, to hunt mustangs with the intention of snaring and domesticating them.
       3) By extension from (1), a mustang is also a person who is uncouth or unaccustomed to "civilized" society.

    Vocabulario Vaquero > mustang

  • 13 أليف

    أَلِيف \ domestic: (of animals) not wild; kept by man for his use. tame: not wild, not afraid of people: a tame bird.

    Arabic-English dictionary > أليف

  • 14 داجن

    داجِن \ domestic: (of animals) not wild; kept by man for his use. tame: not wild; not afraid of people: a tame bird.

    Arabic-English dictionary > داجن

  • 15 ganado

    (Sp. model spelled same [ganáðo] < nominalized perfective participle of ganar 'to earn' or 'to win,' probably from Gothic * ganan 'to covet.' Ganado originally meant 'goods,' 'gain,' or even 'money')
       A general term for cattle or livestock. The DRAE glosses ganado as a group of animals that belong to the same herd and graze together. Santamaría notes that in Mexico the term does not necessarily refer to animals of the same herd, animals that graze together, or even a group of animals of the same species. Rather it is a general term to describe any group of four-legged animals controlled by man and providing a benefit to him. The animals may be wild or tame and may wander over a great space of land. He further notes that, although this term may refer to any sort of animal that is used for man's benefit, it is generally applied to cattle.

    Vocabulario Vaquero > ganado

  • 16 ζῷον

    ζῷον, ου, τό (also ζῶον; for sp. B-D-F §26, Mlt-H. §36, L-S-J-M s.v.; cp. Rob. 194f; Pre-Socr., Hdt.+).
    a living creature, wild or domesticated, but not including plants, animal in our lit. exclusive of human beings (Diod S 3, 31, 2; 5, 45, 1; Epict. 3, 1, 1; Jos., Ant. 3, 228; apolog. [Tat. 15, 2 Περὶ ζώων] as book title) Hb 13:11; 1 Cl 20:4, 10; 33:3; B 10:7f; Ox 840, 4 (s. JJeremias, ConNeot 11, ’48, 98); Hm 12, 4, 1 v.l.; GJs 3:2 (tame animals, s. deStrycker ad loc. [opp. τὸ … λογικὸν ζῶον, ὁ ἄνθρωπος Just., D. 93, 3]). ἄλογα ζῷα (s. ἄλογος 1) 2 Pt 2:12; Jd 10.
    a creature that transcends normal descriptive categories and is freq. composite, living thing/being (cp. Diod S 4, 47, 3 of a dragon; OGI 90, 31 τῷ τε Ἄπει καὶ τῷ Μνεύει … καὶ τοῖς ἄλλοις ἱεροῖς ζῴοις τοῖς ἐν Αἰγύπτῳ; PTebt 5, 78 [118 B.C.]; 57, 12; POxy 1188, 4; Herm. Wr. 11, 7; Ath. 18, 3; God no σύνθετον ζῶον ‘composite animal’ Just., D. 114, 3; Ath. 6, 3; of an embryo Ath. 35, 2) of the miraculous bird, the phoenix 1 Cl 25:3. Of the four peculiar beings at God’s throne, whose description Rv 4:6–9 reminds one of the ζῷα in Ezk 1:5ff, the cherubim. S. also Rv 5:6, 8, 11, 14; 6:1, 3, 5–7; 7:11; 14:3; 15:7; 19:4.
    One isolated pass. in our lit. has ζῶα in the sense living creatures, including both humans and animals (Cornutus 16 p. 20, 20; Ael. Aristid. 45, 32 K.; Jos., Ant. 1, 41; Just., D. 4, 2; 107, 2) 1 Cl 9:4.—SLongsdale, Attitudes towards Animals in Ancient Greece: Greece and Rome, 2d ser. 26, ’79, 146–59 (lit.).—B. 137. DELG s.v. ζώω. M-M. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ζῷον

  • 17 belua

    bēlŭa (not bellŭa), ae, f. (belua, dissyl., Varr. ap. Non. p. 201, 26) [perh. kindr. with thêr, fera, as uber with outhar, and paulus with pauros], a beast distinguished for size or ferocity, a monster (as an elephant, lion, wild boar, whale, etc.; cf.:

    bestia, fera): elephanto beluarum nulla prudentior,

    Cic. N. D. 1, 35, 97; id. Fam. 7, 1, 3; Curt. 8, 9, 29:

    ea genera beluarum, quae in Rubro Mari Indiāve gignantur,

    Cic. N. D. 1, 35, 97:

    singulas stellas numeras deos, eosque beluarum nomine appellas,

    id. ib. 3, 16, [p. 229] 40; cf.
    * Lucr.
    4, 143:

    fera et immanis,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 34, 108:

    vasta et immanis,

    id. Div. 1, 24, 49:


    Hor. C. 1, 12, 22:


    id. S. 2, 3, 316:


    id. C. 2, 13, 34 al. —
    Esp. freq., kat exochên, the elephant, Ter. Eun. 3, 1, 25 Ruhnk.:

    jam beluarum terror exoleverat,

    Flor. 1, 18, 9; cf. Graev. ib. 2, 6, 49; Sil. 11, 543:

    quis (gladiis) appetebant beluarum manus,

    Curt. 8, 14, 33 al. —Hence with the epithets, Inda, Ov. Tr. 4, 6, 7:


    Juv. 10, 158.—
    Sometimes, in gen., a beast, animal (even of small and tame animals):

    quo quidem agno sat scio magis curiosam nusquam esse ullam beluam,

    Plaut. Aul. 3, 6, 26.— The lower animals, as distinguished from man:

    quantum natura hominis pecudibus reliquisque beluis antecedat,

    Cic. Off. 1, 30, 105; 2, 5, 16 and 17; id. N. D. 2, 39, 99; 2, 47, 122.—
    As a term of reproach, beast, brute (class.), Plaut. Trin. 4, 2, 112; id. Most. 3, 1, 78; id. Rud. 2, 6, 59:

    age nunc, belua, Credis huic quod dicat?

    Ter. Eun. 4, 4, 37; id. Phorm. 4, 2, 11:

    sed quid ego hospitii jura in hac immani beluā commemoro?

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 42, § 109:

    beluae quaedam illae immanes ac ferae, forma hominum indutae, exstiterunt,

    id. Sull. 27, 76; id. Pis. 1, 1; id. Phil. 8, 4, 13; id. Leg. 3, 9, 22; id. Off. 3, 6, 32; Liv. 7, 10, 3. —
    Of abstract objects:

    quod, ut feram et inmanem beluam, sic ex animis nostris adsensionem extraxisset,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 34, 108:

    amicos increpans, ut ignaros, quanta belua esset imperium,

    Suet. Tib. 24:

    avaritia, belua fera,

    Sall. Rep. Ordin. 2, 54 (p. 274 Gerl.).

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > belua

  • 18 manada

    (Sp. model spelled same [manáða] < Spanish mano 'hand' < Latin manum and suffix - ada, indicating capacity; literally, 'handful')
       1) California: 1842. In general, a herd of wild or tame horses, but more specifically, a herd consisting of a stallion and several mares and colts.
       2) Carlisle: 1848. By extension from (1), any herd of horses or cattle.
        Alternate form: manather.
        Manada is referenced in the DRAE as a herd or flock of livestock cared for by a herder. It also refers generally to a grouping of animals of the same species that stay together, such as ducks or wolves.

    Vocabulario Vaquero > manada

  • 19 γαλέη

    γαλέη, [var] contr. [full] γαλῆ, ῆς, , a name given to various animals of the
    A weasel kind, weasel, marten, polecat or foumart, Batr.9, al., Ar.Ach. 255, Pl. 693, Arist.HA 609a17, al.; εἰ διᾴξειεν γαλῆ (a bad omen) Ar.Ec. 792, cf. Thphr.Char.16.3: prov.,

    θύρα δι' ἧς γαλῆ.. οὐκ εἰσέρχεται Apollod.

    2 γ. ἀγρία wild ferret (found in Africa and Spain, Hdt.4.192), Arist.HA 580b26, Ruf.Fr.79, Str.3.2.6;

    γ. Ταρτησσία Hdt.

    l.c., Diogenian.3.71.
    3 γ. ἐνοικίδιος tame weasel, Plu.2.446c;

    γ. κατοικίδιος Philum.Ven.33.1

    , Dsc.2.25.
    4 prov., γαλῆν ἔχεις, of bad luck, Diogenian.3.84; γαλῇ χιτώνιον κροκωτόν, of 'pearls before swine', Stratt.71, Zen.2.93; γαλῇ στέαρ, = βατράχῳ ὕδωρ (q. v.), Diogenian.3.83.
    II a small fish, distd. from γαλεός by Ael.NA15.11. (From γαλεψᾱ, Adj. from Γαλις, cf. Skt. girikā 'mouse', Lat.glīs.)

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > γαλέη

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